“都说你们是‘会说话就会唱歌、会走路就会跳舞’,那么,阿桑哥是从小就会跳锅庄吧?” "It is said that people here learn to speak and sing at the same time and they can dance as long as they can walk. So, is it ture that you have been dancing Guozhuang since childhood?" We asked. “没有。我是40多岁才学会跳的。” Asang said:"No, I actually learnt it in my forties." 8月28日上午,在迪庆藏族自治州德钦县奔子栏镇文化站的排练厅里,62岁的阿桑哥和乡亲们身着藏族传统民族服装一起表演奔子栏锅庄。这是国家级非物质文化遗产迪庆锅庄的重要组成部分,至今已有1500多年的历史。 Asang, 62, together with his folks, was performing the Guozhuang Dance in Tibetan costumes in the studio of culture station on Aug. 28 in Benzilan Township, Deqin County, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Guozhuang, an important dancing art belonging to the national-level intangible cultural heritages, boasts a history of 1,500 years. 阿桑哥是奔子栏镇奔子栏村锅庄表演队的主角之一。虽然我们听不懂藏语歌词,可是,看得出来他的唱跳都很投入、表演极具感染力。 Asang is one of the leading dancers in the Benzilan performing team. Although we are strangers to Tibetan songs, we could tell he really got into the show and performed engagingly. “为什么40多岁才学?”我们对此非常好奇。 "Why don't you learn it earlier?" We were in curious. “以前没时间学,肚子都吃不饱的年代,也没有心情学。包产到户后,日子越过越好,到我40多岁的时候村里跳锅庄的人逐渐多了起来,我也有时间有心情去学,就跟着一起玩了。”阿桑哥说起锅庄时的兴致很高,笑起来眼睛就眯成一条缝。 "I didn't have the time and mood to learn in that time when food was scarce. Having been better off later in my forties, more and more people in the village began to practice Guozhuang. I also wanted to give a shot then." Asang laughed. “奔子栏锅庄很有讲究的,我学了4年才完整地学会唱和跳。这些年,在文化站的组织下,奔子栏村109户人家有300多人会跳锅庄。去年以来,我们是越跳越忙、越忙越高兴了!”阿桑哥说,没想到60多岁的人了反而越活越有劲儿! Noting certain skills in learning of the art, Asang said he had spent four years to master the Guozhuang dancing. He added over 300 villagers from 109 families there could dance with the support of the culture station and they were all getting busier and happier. “跳锅庄,能有多忙?”我们被阿桑哥说糊涂了。 “Busy with Guozhuang, Why? And how busy are you?” We were confused. “这些年,非物质文化遗产的保护与传承受到重视,大家对本民族的文化越了解越自豪、越传承越喜欢。村村寨寨、家家户户遇到婚丧嫁娶、过年节、盖房子、迎客人、庆丰收等大事情都要唱跳。另外,从去年4月开始,奔子栏镇每月新历15日、16日举办物资交流会,实际上,各村寨聚在一起最好玩的就是跳锅庄。”阿桑哥掰着指头算一年要表演多少次,坐在他身旁的阿牛哥也跟着算。两个人都是一脸笑容,好像比算钱还兴奋。 "Well, protection and preservation of intangible cultural heritages are highly regarded by more people nowadays. The more they know about the art form, the stronger aspirations they have to pass it down. Guozhuang Dance is also commonly seen in funerals, weddings, festivals, harvest celebration, house moving and guests receiving. Besides, starting form last April, a commodity fair has been held from 15 to 16 each month and the dancing on the event is expected by everyone," Asang said gladly,together with his neighbor Aniu. “我是阿桑哥的邻居。”56岁的阿牛哥说,这些年我们都是一起去跳锅庄。他们兴高采烈地介绍,每月物资交流会的时候,一大早,一家人开着一辆车,老老小小一起逛集市,相互交易腌菜、琵琶肉、青稞等物资,然后,一起跳锅庄,天黑才各回各家。第二天,又聚在一起乐翻天。“第一是开心,第二是为了传承锅庄。”老哥俩对物资交流会的喜欢溢于言表。 Aniu, 56, said that he had been participating in the art form together with Asang for several years. During the fair, villagers set out in the morning to buy pickles, meat and highland barley. Then, they joined the Guozhuang dancing and people would not be heading home until dark. Merry activities repeat the next day. "People have fun dancing and it is a way to pass it down at the same time." Aniu said delightedly. “今年10月11日至12日奔子栏镇将举办首届锅庄节,我们这段时间就在做各种准备,更忙了。”他们又数出一堆要忙的事情。 Asang added they’ll be busier because the First Guozhuang Dance Festival of Benzilan Township will bee held from Oct. 11 to 12 this year and they are now preparing. “节日期间,国家民协要给奔子栏镇挂牌‘中国藏族锅庄舞文化之乡’。”镇里的宣传委员布称补充道,全镇收集整理出来的奔子栏锅庄有306首歌曲、27种舞步,今年3月用了19天时间录制光碟,10月将推出书籍《奔子栏锅庄选集》。 "During the festival, Benzilan Township will be recognized as ‘birthplace of the Guozhuang Dance of Tibetans in China’by the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association," said Bu Cheng, a local offical with the publicity department. Noting the department had collected 306 songs and 27 kinds of steps in Guozhuang Dance, Bu Cheng said that the DVD of the dance was recorded and a book about the Guozhuang Dance in Benzilan will be published in the coming October. “欢迎远方的客人来到奔子栏,祝福你们吉祥如意!”阿桑哥、阿牛哥把藏语唱词翻译成汉语,我们乐了:你们跳锅庄首先给自己带来了吉祥如意!当然,我们分享了快乐、收获了祝福。听了这番话,老哥俩直点头:“就是这么一回事!”大家笑开怀。 "Welcome to Benzilan, and we wish you auspiciousness!" Following their singing, Asang and Aniu translated Tibetan words into mandarin for us. In response, we said the auspiciousness would first come to them and then we’d also share the happiness and blessings. They couldn't agree more and we had a good time that day. Reporting by Zhang Ruogu, Xiong Yan, Chu Donghua and Li Wenjun; translating by Li Hengqiang 云报全媒体记者储东华熊燕张若谷 李文君 英文编译 李恒强 |